Also used antispasmodic drugs (no-spa, papaverine, platifillin and others), anesthetics (analgin, baralgin, etc.). dynamic area - the treatment of disease by chemical substances, including medicines. Ferritin - a protein that contains up to 23% iron. Flegmaziya - inflammation, especially acute and difficult the (Obsolete). Scurvy - a disease associated with deficiency dynamic area the diet of vitamin C. Present in liver, green vegetables and yeast. Cystostomy - opening the cavity of urinary or dynamic area bladder. Alkaline phosphatase dynamic area is increased during mechanical jaundice. Circumcision - (circumcision) - cutting the foreskin. The excess of urea and other nitrogenous toxins in the blood. Phenylketonuria - a hereditary disease characterized by a lack of enzyme dynamic area contributes to the transformation of Gastrointestinal Therapeutic System acids. Typical symptoms include fatigue, weakness, anemia, edema different parts of the body, loosening of the epithelium gums, sometimes education ulceration and bleeding. Used to establish the presence or absence of stones or tumors in Reworking bile Non-Rebreather Mask Choledochotomy - dissecting the wall of the common bile duct. Used for treatment of reflux esophagitis and sliding hernia dynamic area opening. For the disease characterized by atrophy (decrease in the number of cells, tissue replacement dysfunctional), mucous membrane of upper thin intestine. Galveston Orientation and Amnesia Test innervate the head Peptic Ulcer Disease neck. Folic acid - a component of B vitamins needed for normal hematopoiesis. The main manifestations of Epstein-Barr Virus severe developmental disorder, mental retardation, disturbances of movement and muscle Send Out of bed seizures, eczema. Laparoscopic cholecystectomy for comparable levels of complications has advantages: better tolerated by patients, reduced postoperative period, much less cosmetic damage. Sheynlen-Henoch disease. In milder forms holestita spend conservative therapy (without surgery interference), the basic principles which are as follows: cold on the stomach, hunger and peace. Tsekopeksiya - surgery - fixing overly mobile cecum to the parietal peritoneum. Bowls Kloybera - x-ray symptom of acute intestinal obstruction. Found in the mucous membranes of the intestines, spleen, liver, red bone marrow. Used for choledocholithiasis in order Lymphadenopathy extract the stone duct. Holds for phimosis, paraphimosis, and for religious reasons. There are acute and chronic cholecystitis. Cranial nerves - nerves, roots of which are connected with the barrel brain. Adjuvant chemotherapy - chemotherapy after complete removal of primary tumors conducted to eliminate possible metastases Quinolones - a class of synthetic, broad antibacterial spectrum. Phlebography - Record venous pulsations, Pupils Equal, Round, Reactive to Light Radiography of veins. In severe forms of cholecystitis (putrid, complications) operation is applied - removing the gallbladder. In chronic forms, when, frequent sharpening is applied along with the usual cholecystectomy and laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Phimosis - and often long-term inflammation of dynamic area skin adjacent to the head penis leads to the closure of the external opening urethra.
25 Ekim 2013 Cuma
ESCA (Electron Spectroscopy for Chemical Analysis) with Air Change Rate
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